Tuesday, July 10, 2007


(cut & pasted) 

Your vote is the key.  The Members Project by American Express has matched Grameen Foundation with one of the top 50 world changing ideas.  American Express will provide up to $5 million to support the idea that is most compelling to its members. Your vote for Microcredit to Businesses in Developing Countries can unlock up to $5 million for poor families worldwide.

No cost.  No points.  Just Vote.  Only American Express card members can vote, but everyone can get the word out.

Grameen Foundation impacts 18 million men, women, and children.  Profits from the businesses they start with microfinance loans form the foundation for their journey out of poverty.

Vote for Microcredit to Businesses in Developing Countries by July 15 at midnight and help us make it to the next round.  Card members can vote in each of the three rounds to narrow down the top ideas.  We’ll keep you informed on how to keep Grameen Foundation in the running.

Thank you for your support.

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