Thursday, March 31, 2005

thoughts of the week

i've been wicked busy at work...and in i haven't had time to get my thoughts out here. and i have several. so, here we go...

1. When talking to California friends, I say, "back in Minnesota." When talking to any other friends, I say, "back home." I think this is improvement on my acceptance of this move. At least to some I associate with, California is home.

2. I took a Managing Through Change course from my company. It's all pretty basic theory stuff we've heard before, but good to hear again. Mostly about the upcoming acquisition we're going through, but I couldn't stop from applying it to my personal life. The stages are denial - resistance - exploration " commitment. I decided I'm currently between exploration " commitment. Finally beyond the denying, "i'm going to make my Minnesota crazy busy life in California. I will play lots of volleyball " work with my kids at church." Just beyond the "but I like Minnesota " all it has for me" phase. And into the "what am I going to do here? what are my options" phase. One day I may decide I actually live here. We'll see. That's commitment.

3. The weather has improved. Today was sunny " seventy.

4. I've been asked to play competitive volleyball finally. I subbed on a women's team for a couple weeks, and one of the girls asked me to play on her Coed A team. Yay! I start Wednesday.

5. I had social events every night this week with different people. And last weekend was a wonderful mirage of different events " friends. It feels good to know I have a few friends I can call on out here.

6. Mom " dad land tomorrow afternoon for a 10 day visit. I'm really excited to see them and show them around a bit more. It's the first time dad's been back since he moved me out here, so I have lots to show " talk about. At the same time, I'm thankful I have to work during the week so we all get a little space. :-)

Happy Friday!

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